We provide Photoshop templates that contain guidelines in the shape of the fightstick layout. Photoshop allows the use of layers - think of it as an onion skin. You can work on one layer without affecting another - great for editing. The guidelines are on their own layers. This is to help customers when designing artwork for their Fightstick - it shows them where to align their artwork so specific elements are not cut lost or obstructed when cut.
When we are ready to print the artwork, we hide these layers so they do not appear on the final print. We don't use them.
Unfortunately, when saving their artwork, some customers who don't use Photoshop or similar apps too often don't understand or read our instructions located in the templates. They might instead save their file as JPEG or PNG, which will merge the guidelines with their artwork. This is a destructive process; we can no longer hide the guideines.
"Flattening" is a term used in Photoshop - it describes the process of merging layers together so they are no longer editable. Doing this usually lowers the file size of the artwork in Photoshop, since it is no longer in separate layers.
We ask that when submitting artwork from Photoshop, make sure to merge or "flatten" ONLY the artwork layers that you designed to the ADD ARTWORK HERE layer. Do not merge the LAYOUT and OVERPRINT LAYERS, and do not save in any other format other than Photoshop (PSD).
Here is an example of an order in which all layers are flattened - notice that the LAYOUT and OVERPRINT layers are missing, and the guidelines are merged to the art. We're unable to print this because we can no longer hide the guidelines.
Instead, flatten only the artwork layers you designed in photoshop. Your layers window should look like this:
When we receive artwork that has the guidelines flattened to it, we must place the artwork on HOLD. This status means that staff cannot progress with your custom order until we receive a correction. Our staff will send you a message by email explaining the hold status, and instructions to send a corrected file.
Reminder email and our 5 Day HOLD Cancel Policy
It is important to note that we must progress through orders quickly as new orders are added each day. Each time we have to HOLD a custom order due to mistakes in the customer submission, it slows down the overall process. To mitigate this, we employ a two-step policy.
- If an order remains on HOLD for three (3) days, an automated reminder message is sent to you.
- If we do not receive a corrected file within five (5) business days or a response from the customer after sending our reminder email, we will cancel the entire order.
Exceptions to 5 Day HOLD Policy: Same incorrect file submitted multiple times.
We may - at our discretion - cancel an order if the corrections we receive repeatedly ignore the requirements to correct it. For example: In our HOLD message, we ask for a PSD file with separate layers - what we need to process your order. Should you send us a correction that is actually the same incorrect file, we have to reject the submission. If you continue to submit this file or similar files with the same issue we may refund and cancel the order in full.
We Want to Help
If you don't understand the HOLD message that we send, please feel free to send a message to support@focusattack.com and include your order ID. We're happy to explain further. Please understand that we only speak English; should you write in another language, we must use a translator, and will only respond in English.
Visit our Tips on Submitting Control Panel Print and Cut Artwork page to learn more about how to send us a proper artwork file.