Can anyone give me detailed instructions on how to install Toodles' SOCD Cleaner into a Qanba Q4RAF?

Do not tell me to go to the thread on SRK

I've been there, it's useless.

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    Sorry for the delay.  In regards to the SOCD cleaner, you really don't need that for the Qanba unless you have Toodles MC Cthulhu PCB.  Do you have that PCB?

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    Daniel Castro

    Im guessing based on the article name that you have a hitbox running on the Qanba PCB. Judging by the opening statement I'm also going to guess you were the one who had all the posts on SRK and on Toodles' thread.

    However I will just be reiterating the instructions you were given on the forum, just watered down so it should be easy to follow.

    First I'll assume you don't know how to solder. This video by Curious Inventor is often the best place to learn how to solder:

    Also be sure to check this thread by Nerrage:

    though it is mainly on dual mods, much of the info can be carried over to this.


    Onto the SOCD Cleaner-


    Starting with the IC (Integrated Circuits), take a moment to note the name of each IC and the orientation of it to the board.

    On the upper side you should have 2 labeled spots.

    Note the direction of the semicircle of each labeled IC. This relates to the construction of each IC as you should see a semicircular indent on one side of the top of each IC.

    Match the label and orientation of each IC and solder them to the board.

    Be sure to clip the pins on the bottom after soldering.


    For the resistors there is no required orientation or labeling; each resistor can be placed in any of the marked spots (R1-R4).

    Once again clip the pins off the bottom once they have been soldered.


    On the side of the "To PCB" part of the circuit board you should see this arrangement of points:

    VCC = Power (5v) Connect this by soldering a wire to a terminal labeled VCC on your PCB or solder a wire to a point on the PCB where the RED wire of the USB connects to. If attempting this method then the point where the USB is occupying is probably a through-hole solder point, so match the point from the bottom and solder a wire there.

    DOWN = Connect this to the Down Terminal of the PCB

    UP = Same but for Up

    LEFT = Ditto for Left

    RIGHT = No different for Right

    GND = Connect this to the GND (Ground) terminal on you PCB or to the point where the BLACK wire from the USB connects to (Check lables on PCB to make sure its not SGND)


    After soldering those points all that's left is the buttons and the UP+DOWN configuration.


    For the Buttons you should see the Labeled button as well as a GND point in between.

    This is very straightforward but to ensure you understand

    Notice the following arrangement on the board:


                       } connect 1 wire from each button terminal to these points (2 separate wires, 1 button)




                  }Simply follow this pattern for all 4 buttons




               } One button terminal is called the "Signal" the other is the "Ground", there is no determined signal or ground terminal so either (not both) is fine



                  } If a button is not grounded properly or doesn't have the signal wire correctly wired up, the button may cause the button to malfunction or cease to function



    (All that info is found in Nerrage's tutorial above)


    Last but definitely not least is the configuration for pressing both UP and DOWN.

    Flip your board upside-down

    Note 3 solder points with the label U+D=U

    You are to connect only 2 NEIGHBORING POINTS with solder, either the left and middle or the middle and right.

    * LEFT + MIDDLE point = NEUTRAL

    thus if you bridge the left and middle points with solder, pressing UP and DOWN will not register any directional.

    * MIDDLE + RIGHT point = UP

    thus bridging the middle and right points will make pressing UP and DOWN register UP.


    With that you should be done.

    I'd recommend mounting the PCB to prevent it from moving and making contact with any other points.

    After that just close up your stick and you should be done!

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    Daniel - big thanks for the assist!

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