How to hook an official Dreamcast cord to Cthulhu and PS360+
This was covered in detail by rtdzign in the SRK forums found here:
Below you will find the cable wire pinout for both an original Dreamcast cable (DC) and ethernet (RJ45) you will also find an attached illustration of the Dreamcast (DC) cable pinout and a Cthulu board.
Dreamcast: (no VMU support. Also will only work with "arcade stick" compatible games)
DC Pin - Cthulhu column - Agetec Colors
1 - F - Red
2 - V - Blue
3 - G - Black
4 - B - Green
5 ? C - White
RJ45 Pin - MCC Column - DC Pin - Agetec
1 - G - 3 - Black
2 - A
3 - B - 4 - Green
4 - C - 5 - White
5 - D
6 - E
7 - F - 1 - Red
8 - V - 2 - Blue