Troubleshooting/Repair Best Practices

Photo by Donovan MyersWhen submitting tickets to Focus Attack that involve components such as PCB's, Joysticks and Buttons that are not functioning as they should, we offer some advice to help move the troubleshooting/diagnostics/restoration process.

  1. Provide the name of the product and description of what the problem is.

    Bad example: "My microswitch isn't working"
    Good example: "the microswitch on the Sanwa TP-MA isn't working"
    Best example: "The TP-MA microswitch on the right side isn't picking up movement.
  2. Provide pictures of the physical setups or wiring of the device. (the more the better) When taking photos, please stay in focus so we do not have to guess on what we are supposed to see. 
  3. If the issue involves the product not registering an input, you can use the freely available "joy.cpl" control panel for Windows.  You can download it here:

    When you have the control panel installed, try to capture video of the inputs in question.  Please see the following video about capturing inputs from joy.cpl: 

Always do your best to be descriptive - and also  patient with us - as we work to resolve your issue.  Even as free tech support, we want to provide you quality responses.  If it is something we can properly troubleshoot, then we will do our best to resolve the problem, and keep your sticks running.

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