"Will it fit?" Mad Catz TES Edition


Q: I have had an older Mad Catz Tournament Edition S stick sitting around for a while. I think I am ready to finally put it to use again, but I'd like to change it up a bit. What are my options for upgrades?


A: The S variant of the Mad Catz TE sticks is very similar to the standard TE stick, with the primary difference being a housing that is shorter in width, with shaved down side panels. Mad Catz continued to follow their standard of using only Sanwa parts in these arcade sticks, so most parts will drop in with no extra work required at all! Here's a list of parts from our store that will fit worry-free:



Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT



Seimitsu LS-40 (a .187 to 5-pin conversion harness is required)

Seimitsu LS-40-01

Seimitsu LS-32-01

Seimitsu LS-62-01

Crown 309MJ (a .187 to 5-pin conversion harness is required)

Crown SDL-301-DX (a .187 to 5-pin conversion harness is required)

Hori Hayabusa



Sanwa OBS Series 30MM

Seimitsu PS Series 30MM

Hori Hayabusa Series 30MM

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