What wiring harness should I use when converting my Mayflash's joystick to a Sanwa JLF?


Q: I want to install a Sanwa JLF lever in my Mayflash F300-500 series arcade stick. The original lever is connected with multiple individual wires at various points, and does not work with the new Sanwa lever. What should I do?


A: You can find the compatible harness for this mod here, giving you a hassle free solution: 

Spare 5-Pin Female Harness for Zero Delay USB Encoder PCB

This replaces the original harness and does away with the need for soldering or crimping new ends.

This video by YouTube's Blazin Raida should help with installing the new harness in either a Mayflash F300 or Mayflash F500:

This video may also help 

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