Tech Corner: Customizing the AllFightsticks 14" Series Case

So, you've just become the proud owner of a new AllFightsticks case. If you're reading this, there's a strong chance that you've already put everything together, and organized it to how you see fit. While some might like the standard look of the AFS, others might prefer to put their own personal spin on it.

We're here to help! Like a lot of the other widely available arcade sticks, we offer customization services for the AllFightsticks product line. You can check out our customization services for it by clicking here. We encourage you to also check out our Help & Tips section for customization, as it will help us deliver the best quality product possible for you. We want to help you achieve your vision to the best accuracy possible. If there are any questions not directly answered by our customization FAQ, you can always submit a ticket to inquire further.

Artwork and the plexiglass panel go hand in hand in keeping your customized arcade stick looking good, so be sure to purchase both of them when going forward with your dream design. We have put together a video that will walk you through the process of installing both the art and plexi hassle-free. Check it out below:

We hope that we can make customization a great experience for you! Thanks for reading.

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