When a refund is requested and granted for a returned item, the balance in your account is deducted for the amount of points earned for the returned items.
FA.Rewards Points can Go Negative Due to Frequent Returns
Please note that rewards points can go negative. Instances in which this can occur:
- Customer redeems points for a coupon after a recent purchase earns them enough points to redeem for a code
- The customer decides to return the recent order that they earned and redeemed points for. The refunded order deducts reward points.
- If they have no points left in their account after redeeming a coupon code, then the amount deducted will cause their rewards account to have negative points.
The customer must make further purchases that do not result in returns or refunds to allow their rewards account to return to a positive balance.
Why is this done?
Exploitation of the Rewards system can occur if some customers decide to redeem coupons then return the items they were able to redeem a coupon with.
What about defect returns?
Points are not deducted if the item is deemed defective by support staff, and we provide a pre-paid return label for you to send the unit back.
We reserve the right to ban FA.Rewards accounts for anyone that may try to exploit the Rewards system.