I made a mistake to my custom order or want to update the artwork. Can I send you a correction or update?

Mistakes can happen when submitting a artwork request. So can the desire to change the artwork to a recent custom order. We do allow both under specific conditions.

Corrections are allowed when items within your custom order have the following status in the Custom Job Tracker:

  • In Queue
  • In Progress
  • HOLD

What does the Plexworks Job Tracker statuses actually mean?

If the artwork has the following statuses, we cannot accept corrections or changes:

  • Moving to Production
  • Moving to Artwork
  • Moving to Plexi

This is because either artwork is printed or the plexi is etched and cut from a portion of the order, or we're moving to a production which commits us to printing or cutting the material according to the queue.

How do I Upload a Correction?

  1. Visit our Custom Job Tracker located here: https://focusattack.com/customize/custom-job-tracker/
  2. Enter your order ID in the space provided under "Send Us Corrections" and press "Search".  Your custom order details will appear, along with the original filename and tracker status.
  3. If your order status is "In Queue", "In Progress", or "HOLD", (What does the Plexworks Job Tracker statuses actually mean?) an options dropdown is visible to the right after "notes". Click the "Options" dropdown, which will then display "Send an update", or in the case of a HOLD status, "Send a Correction"

    Screenshot 2024-08-02 214052.png

  4. A new message box will appear. This is where you can upload your artwork, plus leave a message if there is anything we should know about the update.  Click in the top box to upload your file, or drag your file to this box. An important note: Please upload the entire artwork as an update; don't send us a blank template with just a text update or similar. We always replace the original artwork file with the new one you send us and will print only what we have at the time we move the artwork to production.

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  5. When you upload your correction, a message with the name of your file and its size will appear in a red box below the top box. Press "Submit" if you are ready to send your correction or update.

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  6. Please wait a moment as your artwork is uploaded. The time it takes to upload will depend on the file size, and the speed of your internet connection. Once the file is fully uploaded, the next screen will confirm that the file has reached our system. 

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Corrections and Updates must be Approved by Staff

When a correction or update is sent, our staff will review and either "Approve" or "Disapprove" the submission.  When sending updates, you can send one at a time, up to 5 total. When sending corrections, you can send as many as you need. We will approve the latest one.  You will receive an email with the approval status. If we need to reject the submission, we will provide an explanation as to why and instructions to resubmit the artwork. 

When are Corrections Not Allowed?

Corrections are allowed when items within your custom order have the following status in the Custom Job Tracker:

  • In Queue
  • In Progress
  • HOLD

If the artwork has the following statuses, we cannot accept corrections or changes:

  • Moving to Production
  • Moving to Artwork
  • Moving to Plexi

We cannot accept corrections or updates under these statuses because either artwork is printed or the plexi is etched and cut from a portion of the order, or we're moving to a production which commits us to printing or cutting the material according to the queue.

Have Additional Questions?

If you are still unsure of the process to send corrected artwork, or have other questions about Plexworks services, please feel free to reach out by email (orders@focusattack.com), or use the contact form on our support site.

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