Occasionally, and inexplicably, players have used our Photoshop templates to create their artwork, but decide to submit their finished work as a JPEG or PNG file with the grey cutlines and overprint guidelines removed.
Please don't do this. Send us the PSD file instead.
Why Do You Need a PSD file with All Layers Intact?
The guidelines in our templates are specifcally designed to help you position your artwork as you would expect it to print. Our creative staff will place your Photoshop file in our internal templates to make certain that the artwork aligns properly with it -- we use the guideline layer solely for that purpose, and nothing more. We then open your file in Photoshop and hide the grey guideline layer.
It makes no sense to complete your work using our Photoshop template, then submit a PNG or JPEG file without the template guideline. There is no benefit to you or us for doing so. If your graphics app can export to Photoshop PSD with all layers intact, please do so instead of sending us a PNG or JPEG file with the guidelines removed.
Often, players with no access to a graphics app, or do not have any experience using one will submit artwork without a template. They may instead have a desktop wallpaper or other photo that they hope will work with their desired Fightstick. Still others have no computer at all, and instead use their smartphones.
When a customer submits a file with no template reference, our staff must make a judgement call. As we have many artworks in the queue, we typically do not check if the dimensions match our templates. We instead submit the following warning in the Tracker:
WARNING: No template provided; artwork dimensions do not match model and may be cropped/flipped/resized
Typically, the artwork may not fit the layout that was requested. Other times, the content will get obscured by the button, control panel, or layout edge cuts. We then proceed to resize, flip or rotate the artwork to fit within the fightstick layout on our internal templates, or to minimize loss of key content from the illustration.
You Waive Your Right to A Reprint
For the reason mentioned above, submitting artwork without the template waives any liability we have in meeting your expectations for how the content is presented. With many artworks to complete each day, we cannot provide consultation to each customer that submits a file without our template guidelines.
Okay, How about I send a JPEG or PNG file with the Guidelines Instead?
We must hide the grey guideline layer so does not appear in the print, as the lines are thicker than the laser cut.
Saving as a JPEG file or PNG file will merge all of the layers together in a destructive process. We cannot hide the guidelines, and thus will put the artwork order on HOLD. We explain what this means in the following article:
What does "Artwork Flattened to Control Panel Guide" mean, and why is my artwork on "HOLD"?
Please, just export the file to Photoshop PSD format and keep all of the layers intact.
I Can't Afford Photoshop. What Do I Do Now?
We understand that most players do not need or want to use Photoshop due to its subscription requirement and cost. Thankfully there are free alternative desktop and online apps that can export to Photoshop PSD file format. You'll find them in this article:
I don't own Photoshop. What are my options to submit Fightstick artwork for printing?