Should I get 1/16" or 1/40" plexi for MadCatz TE Round 1 or 2?

We offer customers the opportunity to purchase acrylic for the MadCatz TE in two thickneses:

  • 1/16"
  • 1/40" (or more commonly 1/30")

The red bezel of the original MadCatz TE Round 1 or Round 2 is placed underneath the plexi, so both thicknesses will fit. The difference in thickness regards both plexi color and etch size.  

  • Black acrylic is available only in 1/16"
  • Etching the full panel is only available in 1/16", partial etching is available for both thicknesses.

The TE has a thin plastic covering on top of a metal plate. The thinner 1/30 or 1/40" could be considered a close thickness for the MadCatz TE Round 1 or Round 2, while still allowing you to display artwork.

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