We are sorry for the inconvenience. Here are potential reasons why a product or entire order is disqualified from shipping to your country:
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is a USA territory. Customers from PR may forget this, or see "PR" in the country dropdown and choose it. Here is the correct way to enter Puerto Rico in cart and checkout:
When Checking Postage Rates in the Shopping Cart...
Please choose "United States" in the dropdown when attempting to view postage rates in the shopping cart. Choose "Puerto Rico" as the State/Province.
When Entering your Address in Checkout...
Here is an example of a properly formatted PR address:
[customer name]
Villas del Rio 213 calle Rio Yaguez
Humacao, Puerto Rico, 00791
United States
More information regarding how to format Puerto Rico addresses is available at the USPS website:
Restricted Products
Due to licensing restrictions, any Qanba brand products that are designed to work with Sony Playstation 4™ console can only ship to USA or Canada.
Rechargeable batteries are restricted to USA as via policies that prevent us from shipping lithium batteries internationally.
Restricted Shipping
There are some international countries that we cannot ship to for a number of reasons, including international restrictions, multiple-complaints that orders did not arrive via USPS shipping method, or consistent violations of store policy. Here is a complete list of countries that we limit or restrict shipping:
- Brazil: (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- Argentina (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- South Africa (Express, FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- Saudi Arabia (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- United Arab Emirates (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- Israel (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- Pakistan (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- Morocco (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- Romania (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- Peru (FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority)
- Canada (Temporary, no USPS due to Canada Post worker strike) FedEx Int'l Economy, FedEx Int'l Priority
We cannot ship USPS Priority International to:
- Bolivia (as of 2024, a request by the government of Bolivia all USPS Priority International shipments are not allowed, due to lack of airline logistics)
We cannot ship to:
- Afghanistan
- Armenia
- Bahrain
- Egypt
- Iran, Islamic Republic of
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Mexico
- Oman
- Russia
- Turkey
- Ukraine (temporary; awaiting notice when carriers will re-open)
- France
Shipping to Mexico
As of October 3, 2017 we are no longer shipping via any carrier to Mexico, as the result of multiple infractions against our store policy, and many attempts to serve legitimate customers. We have finally met our limit, and must permanently disable shipping to this country.
Shipping to Chile
As of June 13, 2019, we are no longer shipping USPS to Chile, as customers repeatedly complain of long customs processing time, and in many cases, not receiving their orders for months. Unfortunately we have no control over customs processing duration in the country, and after refunding multiple orders that have actually shipped but were held in customs, decided to disable shipping to this country.
However, countries that we originally limited USPS shipping options, such as Chile, Brazil, and Argentina, can access FedEx International Economy and Priority. We will monitor delivery reports from customers and adjust over time if those countries continue to pose similar delivery issues with FedEx as they do with USPS.
Shipping to France
Over the years, we've received numerous complaints from customers in this country not relating to a specific issue. Overall negative sentiment from a majority of customers within the country has led us to stop shipping here. Any complaints are often followed with threats, disparaging remarks about staff, or requests for shipping compensation when orders are returned to sender due to the buyer's unpaid VAT charges. We are sorry for the inconvenience, and suggest smallcab.net as a domestic alternative for most needs going forward.
International customer violations
International destinations that have repeated infractions from customers, such as credit card fraud, fraudulent chargebacks in attempts to force refunds, and other incidents will risk that country receiving a blacklist at FA, and thus no longer shipping there via any carrier.