Can you ship to APO/FPO addresses?

We do ship to APO and FPO military addresses via U.S. Postal Service.  Unfortunately, we cannot supply detailed tracking information for shipments to APO/FPO addresses. Once the shipment leaves our country, all shipment tracking stops.

When completing your Shipping Address during checkout, please make note of the following.

  • The City must be entered as either:
    • APO: Army Post Office
    • FPO: Fleet Post Office
    • DPO: Diplomatic Post Office
  • The State must be selected as either:
    • AA: Armed Forces Central and South Americas (Armed Forces Americas)
    • AP: Armed Forces Pacific
    • AE: Armed Forces Europe (including Canada, Middle East, and Africa)
  • You must enter your military designation Zip code
  • Always remember to enter your full name, grade, and PSC or unit number
  • Do NOT enter the foreign country that you are stationed. Instead choose "United States". Entering a foreign country in the address will cause packages to get lost and returned to us, as the address is not valid. 

Please note, orders shipped to an APO/FPO address do take longer to be delivered. Please allow 2-4 weeks for your package to arrive.

Example Military Address Format

Please consider this address format when in checkout.


A properly formatted APO address is shown on the ship to address screen.

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