Why is there a quantity limit on buttons or other products from your website?

Please note: The maximum is applied per product SKU or color (ie: max 16 buttons of a single color). You are not limited to purchasing more than the max quantity across multiple colors.

As an arcade products retailer, our goal is to supply enough parts to arcade and fighting game enthusiasts and hobbyists.

However, we often discover that foreign resellers, barcades, or dedicated arcade venues, will purchase significant quantities of a single product or product color. This is done to specifically to resell on eBay or on their own website for their domestic customers, or an arcade venue's arcade machines. Often these are our core products such as joysticks,  pushbuttons, control PCBs and converters. For example, one may attempt to buy 50 or 100 pieces of Sanwa's Black OBSF-30 button.  This is well outside the scope of what most customers purchase on average.

When resellers or businesses attempt to buy in volume, this drains our inventory much faster than it should. Individual players then cannot find that product when they need it.  To address this, we set reasonable limits on those core products based on quantities that hobbyist and enthusiasts may purchase.  

We have experienced resellers and businesses that attempt to get around this limit by purchasing under multiple accounts or multiple separate orders with the max quantity of a single product. Often those orders are cancelled and the customer is flagged in our system. 

Are there any Volume Discounted Products?

We understand that resellers, professional Fightstick designers, and large project builders see us as an accessible source for products that they need.  FA is not a wholesale parts distributor, but we do offer volume discounts to some (but not all) products that are branded under Focusattack.  You will see those discounts listed under "Buy in bulk and save". 

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